The expanse


Our Mission

The Expanse Magazine is a new, start-up magazine looking to publish new and diverse writers of all backgrounds with a focus on speculative fiction of any sub-genre. Our passion and focus, in all aspects, is to showcase a wide variety of people with diverse perspectives.

The Expanse includes audiobooks of every magazine, podcasts, quarterly issues, and community events hosted on our exclusive discord channel that you can access by becoming a Patron.


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From the expanse

When was the first time that you realized the world was not as you understood it to be? Maybe it was in the glare of a loved one or the subtle shenanigans of a neighbor. Needless to say, sometimes the smallest events can change our perspectives. Select read more for articles and think pieces that may do just that.

What’s coming



The free podcasts posted here are another ambitious adventure of ours. We plan to share with you industry insiders, debates, and honest talks about genre, literature, and the publishing industry. We also plan to release a small amount of audiobooks for free while the rest are available with purchase and through Patreon.


Don’t worry: Patreon isn’t the only way you will be able to support us and our contributors! Once we get closer to our first release, you’ll be able to subscribe to issues in advance directly from our site!

Back Issues

Late to the party? No worries! Everyone is welcome at our table. Pull up a seat and hunker down. We’ll have all past issues available for purchase as soon as we actually have past issues.