What’s your story?

Submission Guidelines

All Submissions should be sent to theexpanseeditorialstaff@gmail.com.

Please submit all written work in standard manuscript format (modern preferred.)

Submissions are currently closed.


Word Limit: 4000 words maximum

Pay Rate: We are currently unable to guarantee payment of any kind for the first issue. However, first contributors will have all patron rights for life and will be considered as a priority in the future.

Genres: Anything under the umbrella of speculative fiction is permitted. Go wild!

Language: English or any dialect/variant of. 

Rights: We claim first rights with text, audio, and/or first translations. 

Stories should:

  • Be written for audio as all stories will be recorded.

  • Be accessible to neuro-diverse people.

  • Be previously unpublished.

Stories that will NOT be permitted:

  • Any piece depicting explicit violence against children.

  • Stories containing racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. rhetoric.

  • Excessive descriptions of any x-rated scene.

  • Simultaneous submissions.

  • Pieces containing fictitious characters or real people not owned or licensed by you.

Cover letters:

The title of your piece in the subject line along with the word count. Please submit your cover letter in the body of the email.

  • The sub-genre of your story.

  • Your by-line.

  • If you have not previously been published.

  • Any relevant experience you may have regarding the subject matter.

  • Optional: If you are a part of any marginalized group (ie. BIPOC, lgbtqia+, neuro-divergent, disability, etc.) We realize we are not perfect individuals but hope to provide equity in the writing community. We will not require this but we hope that you will trust us enough to let us know. This information will be strictly confidential unless provided in your by-line to be presented in the printed issue.

If you do not receive a response within 60 days of submission you may follow up with a query.