What’s your story?

Submission Guidelines

Submissions for art are rolling. However, all art must be sent to theexpanseeditorialstaff@gmail.com by 30 August 2021 to be considered for our premiere issue.


Here at The Expanse, we believe illustration is another, invaluable form of storytelling. We like to use art for our website and to accompany sections of our magazine. Please review the requirements below before sending any works of art to us: 

  • The size should be a minimum of 9x13 at 300 dpi or better.

  • The image should use dynamic framing. 

  • The image should have a narrative quality.

  • If the subject matter you draw contains human or humanoid figures, we ask that they remain clothed.

  • We will not accept fanart of any kind. All work, subject matter, characters, etc. illustrated must be entirely original. 

  • Please include a cover letter, byline, and any relevant social media you would like to link to should your submission be selected.